Huduma Means Care

"Huduma" is the swahili word meaning care. Im just getting that out right now : ) no big, but we should all huduma about what is happening in our world globally. Our beautiful world is, as it has steadily since the beginning of time, experiencing a lot of revolutionary change.

Such a big part of the change that has been brought about in the past as well as the change that is occurring now in our life times have been instigated by the young, emotional, passionate, and wholehearted youth of the global society. This blog will be the voice of one youth, me...surprise! I will be sharing world events, articles, songs, stories, opinions, and insight from the viewpoint of my own. My aim is to provide a window into the mind of our youth and how we see things through the biases of our media, society and conditioning. This is also an account of my eyes being opened by my experiences at the University of Idaho, in the International Studies program (GO MIGHTY VANDALS). But in all honesty, this is a way for me to get my thoughts out in the world and help me to explore what I am learning.

So this is me... an 18 year old, putatively naive blonde from southern Idaho, USA. Hopefully I can change some minds that may, at times,  misjudge we "credulous" youths.

There are dreams that burn behind our eyes... if they are stifled and our dreams are never let out and given the air they need to fly, then they will die in us and you will have a population of mature, dreamless people. A society of people without invention, passion, and determination who will only do the same to the next generation. It IS naive to think that youth is more knowledgeable about world events than those that are older and more wise, but there is one thing to be said about young-ins. That is how hungry we are for that knowledge. Listen and talk with us, feed us that knowledge from your memories  and let us spend our lives on the backs of our dreams....that is the only way we can possibly better our world.
Enough of me being all philosophical.
My name is Maggie Dillon, I'm a dreamer :)

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