Take a listen!

One of my biggest interests is human rights (particularly for women) in Africa! I will make posts on the various countries and their issues very soon...get your tissues and travel agents number out, they are devastating, and action provoking.

But thats later. Music is such a powerful tool of humanitarian work, spreading awareness, expressing feelings, and celebrating. I love listening to music about humanities struggles because you are not only hearing the facts/stories... with music you can feel the urgency and pain. It is my genre of choice....I'm talking endless playlists I fall asleep to. Don't worry though, you don't have to be as creepily into it as me. But if you have a minute to feel some global unity, here are some songs I wanted to share.

1 . (   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExM   )  Wonderful song that has a wonderful philanthropic background...go ahead and read about it, or ask me for more information if your interested.

2. (   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvqtTDKUvVU   )  Amazing humanitarian advocate Wyclef Jean's song "Gunpowder" ... very powerful.
- "The war isn't over until you can feel love, peace, and hear silence...but I smell gunpowder. "

(Token picture...but admit it, makes you smile.)

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